Saturday, March 12, 2011

Book List

It has been said that you will not be any different one year from now other than the books that you read, the people that you meet, and the places that you travel. Here are a few books that have influenced my life and thinking. Timing has played such a large part of the impact that each made. The authors have come from different walks of life and each topic is different. There is only one perfect book, but so much can be gleaned from others' life lessons. These are some that were recommended to me so I will pass them on as thought provoking reads.

Radical David Platt
Visioneering Andy Stanley
The Making of a Leader Robert Clinton
Crazy Love Francis Chan
The Contrarian's Guide to Leadership Steven Sample
Connecting Robert Clinton
Servant Leadership Oswald Sanders
Courageous Leadership Bill Hybels
7 Practices of Effective Ministry Lane Jones
Simple Church Thom Rainer
Emotionally Healthy Spirituality Peter Scazzero
Margin Richard Swenson
Africa Rising Vijay Mahajan
Good to Great Jim Collins
How the Mighty Fall Jim Collins
The Goal Eliyahu M. Goldrat
Outliers Malcolm Gladwell
The Speed of Trust Franklin Covey
Unveiling Islam Ergun Caner