So much of my time is spent living my life with young Togolese men. These guys are normally about 16-26 years old. I am so proud of them the way they are growing spiritually and making decisions based on principles they have placed in their lives. I wanted to pass on a few of the conversations I have had this month.
A church in FL bought a few bicycles to send over here. I have been able to give them to teenage guys that are orphaned. The bike's primary purpose was to help with transportation to school, as a few of them live up to 4 miles from school and have been walking. With these bikes, two of the guys have ridden to their villages in order to share their faith with their extended families. One fellow just led a person to Christ over the weekend.
Latte, 17 year old, trusted Christ because of one of his friend's witness. He has been extremely faithful this summer every since his decision. Latte walked into his home last weekend to find a huge feast that had been offered to the idols and the gods. Though he was hungry, his immediate response was to turn down the meal. It really made the family ask questions when a teenage boy from any culture turns down a meal. He proceeded to tell them that he does not follow that path any longer because he is a Christian. His great aunt listened to him intently for about an hour. She then asked for some of the "brochures" that talk about Christianity to take back to her village.
Victor, a shy 16 year old whose father passed away 3 years ago has been extremely bold about sharing his faith. He rode to his village about 3 weeks ago to share his faith. As he sat there, 12 of his older family members questioned him about his belief. They were dressed in all white to celebrate voodoo ceremonies. They told him that it is ok to serve both voodoo and Christianity. They mentioned many pastors and "Christians" in the area that still visit the witch doctor. They also said that if he does not practice both, they will never help him. (This is a big threat to a young person that is raised in a communal society.) He told them that he had made his choice to follow Christ.
Victor then proceeded to talk with a young guy who is training to be a witch doctor. The orphan asked him what his consequences would be if he followed Jesus. He said, "I will loose everything. I will not have a place to stay, anything to eat or many clothes." Victor told him to count the cost and that they would talk again in a few weeks.
Please be in prayer for these young people. They are facing opposition every day.