Friday, October 16, 2009

4 am blog

I went to bed this evening at 8:20. Mel normally tries to get me to stay up, but it can be hard after a long day. Last night I gave in and went to bed even a few minutes earlier than my normal 9 pm. At 2 am I was wide awake, so decided to make a phone call back to the US. It is now 4:40 and I will probably stay up for the day. I was thinking about a conversation that I had yesterday and wanted to blog about it.
Ben and Victoire are two young guys that have been faithfully coming to Bible study on Sundays. Both trusted Christ as Savior this summer and earned their Bibles by memorizing John 3:1-21. Their father told them this week that they are no longer allowed to attend the study. He said that "that religion invokes the bad spirits." Their father called a friend to come over to the house and set the boys straight. The boys listened to what was being taught, and then asked to see proof in the Bible. The man had no answer for them, but said he would come back a week later. Based on the conversation, he will not find proof in the Bible because it is not there.

Please do pray for these to guys. They will truly face persecution from their families. Pray that God gives them the strength, courage, and wisdom to stand for truth.

Well, the sun is up, so I will get started on my day. (cup of coffee)


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