Monday, November 23, 2009

Tennis, Harmattan, and Thanksgiving

This afternoon I drove up to the tennis court that is not too far from my house. It is a community court that was built by the king of Aneho. A few little guys stopped by on their way home from school. Both were about 10 years old with very good French. They asked if I wanted them to pick up the tennis balls for me while I was serving. I said yes and we went to work. About 15 minutes into the serves, a bar down the road starting blaring music. This is not uncommon, other than the fact that it was "White Christmas" in English. I must say it kind of got me in the Spirit. I served about 200, tipped my new friends and gave them each a soccer tract before I headed home.

Harmattan is in full swing down here in Aneho. This is the dust of the Sahara desert that settles in the air. The visibility is probably at 1.5 miles right now. It is hard to see the ships waiting to dock in port. It has made for cooler nights, though the days are a bit warmer. For some reason I have always looked forward to this time of year. Really been enjoying it thus far.

Mel and I are making plans for Thanksgiving on Thursday. I think we are going to take the day off and go to the pool at a hotel.  After dinner, we will probably go out to dinner and get a pizza. There is a French restaurant in Lome that we enjoy. Should be a relaxing day.

As for my readers, enjoy your Thanksgiving and watch a football game.

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