Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Kpadape Mobile Camp: Preparation

Over the summer, we have spent the majority of our camp ministry doing mobile camps. Mobile camp is where we go to a specific location, usually a rural village in order to start a local church or encourage an existing church.

During this past week, we worked with the Bible Baptist Church of Kpadape. One of the requirements to run a camp at a church is that the church members have to take care of the Togo Palms staff once we arrive. This basically means accommodations and food for 6 people for a week. Part of this is to help teach the church members personal responsibility and that everything has a cost involved.

We had been planning this mobile camp in Kpadape for quite some time. This is the village that we have been working with for the last 18 months. Part of the goal for this camp was to reach out to the young people in the community from the ages of 13-23 years old. Also, we really hoped to get some of the girls involved. Girls seem to do so much of the work here in Togo, especially in rural village life. We limited the number of campers to 60, because of the size of the facilities and the number of staff members. Campers came from 8-12 a.m. and 3-6 p.m. Since it was a free camp, we did not serve any meals. I went into the camp praying that half the campers would trust Christ. I knew that God is very capable of working in their lives. The following blog entries tell the weeklong story of camp. God did amazing things in the lives and hearts of those involved! Read on…

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